Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good News!

My jewelries will be carried out by Oro Rosso, a shop here in Phnom Penh! I am really excited.

It's not so much but for me it is. LOL!

I have so much to do this week. Designing a display, going to the carpenter for the display cabinet and making more jewelries.

I will still continue this "online" store of mine. I might even open an Etsy shop soon. But right now, I've got my hands full.

So please bear with me if I don't post pictures regularly for now. I actually have several new products but I haven't taken their pictures yet.

I have also been sick so...

I promise to post one or two tomorrow.

Thank you all for all your wishes. I am really happy.


I will be having a contest soon and will be giving away one or two of my jewelries. This will take time but I will do it. Thanks!

1 comment:

Kayni said...

Congratulations! This is great news.